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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Amore mio sei profondamente nel mio cuore sei...
Amore mio sei profondamente nel mio cuore sei tutto cio di bello che la vita mi ha regalato.

Completed translations
Russian Любовь моя, ты в глубине моей души
Esperanto Amo mia...
Source language
Serbian Rad je stvorio covjeka a nerad gospodina.
Rad je stvorio covjeka a nerad gospodina.

Completed translations
English The work...
Swedish Arbete - inaktivitet
Source language
Serbian Preduzece za Proizvodnju i ugradnju Gradjevinskih...
Preduzece za Proizvodnju i ugradnju Gradjevinskih materijala


Potvrdjujemo da je _____ ______ iz ________,
_________,JMBG_________.Bio zaposlen u nasem preduzecu na radnom mestu moler u periodu od 01.05.2004 do 31.12.2012 godine.

Completed translations
English Company for Production...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Macedonian До вцера најголемо задоволство ми ...
До вцера најголемо задоволство ми бесе да и купам несто на Ерин
Не да ја направам незе срекјна
Него јас да се направам стекен
Посто поголемо задоволство ми било да ја направам незе срекјна

<edit> Before edit : "Do vcera najgolemo zadovolstvo mi bese da i kupam nesto na Erin
Ne da ja napravam neze srekjna
Nego jas da se napravam steken
Posto pogolemo zadovolstvo mi bilo da ja napravam neze srekjna"</edit>

Completed translations
English Until yesterday...
Source language
Serbian ko jedva eka saijeg
ko jedva eka saijeg

Completed translations
English who impatiently...
Source language
Spanish No quiero estar sin ti Si tu no estas aqui me...
No quiero estar sin ti
Si tu no estas aqui me sobra el aire
No quiero estar asi
Si tu no estas la gente se hace nadie.

Completed translations
Dutch Zonder jou
Croatian Ne želim biti bez tebe
Serbian Bez tebe
Bosnian ljubav/prijateljstvo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Of çekerum derunden, dağlar oynar yerunden....
Of çekerum derunden, dağlar oynar yerunden. Varmidu benum gibi usanmış kaderunden! Dertleri dereler dökeyum da düz olsun, varidi toksan tokuz yaram da senda vur da yüz olsun...

Completed translations
English I sigh so deep...
Bosnian prijevod
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian •Ciclo di sanificazione realizzato in...
Ciclo di sanificazione realizzato in controcorrente atto a lambire rubinetti, serbatoio e tubazioni.

Completed translations
Serbian Period preciscavanja...
Croatian period...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Tjena Dalmir, läget? Hoppas allt är bra med dig!!
Tjena Dalmir, läget? Hoppas allt är bra med dig!! Jag kommer hem till Sollefteå den 24 maj tänkte vi skulle ses nåt då??
Original-request before edits: "Tjena Dalmir läget hoppas allt är bra med dig!! jag kommer hem till Sollefteå den 24 maj tänkte vi skulle ses nåt då??" /pias 100508.

Completed translations
English coming home
Bosnian prijevod
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek recenica
Αχ τι θα κανω μαζι σου νινι μου....????? Σε θελω πολλυ, ειληκρινα

Completed translations
Serbian recenica
Croatian iskreno
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Forum Romanum antiquitus locus mercaturae erat....
Forum Romanum antiquitus locus mercaturae erat.
zelim tacan prevod na hrvatski


Completed translations
Serbian Rimski forum
Croatian rimski forum
10Source language10
Spanish Te amo sinceramente
Quiero decirte que te amo sinceramente y que quiero pasar el resto de mi vida junto a ti.
Eres el amor que mi corazón esperó hasta el día que te conocí.

Completed translations
Serbian Iskreno te volim
Croatian Iskreno te volim
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish amra burası bizim oralara benziyo...doğrusu...
Ama burası bizim oralara benziyor...Doğrusu nedir?

Completed translations
English This places
Bosnian prijevod
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Χρόνια σου πολλά, αγορίνα. Να ...
Χρόνια σου πολλά, αγορίνα. Να χαίρεσαι τ'ονοματάκι σου και ό,τι επιθυμείς.
b.e.: " Ksronia s polla agorina na kairesai T onomataki sou k oti epi8imeis"

Ovo je sms poruka, ne znam sta znaci, ali bih volela da saznam... cisto da znam o cemu se radi... hvala adminu unapred.

Completed translations
English Happy Nameday
Serbian Srećan Imendan
Bosnian Sretan Imendan
Source language
English The sun’s graze on the skin is heartbreak....
The sun’s graze on the skin is heartbreak.
Complete paragraph for more context:
"Light creaks, whispers, sings. Voices reach, stretch on tiptoe, touch. A tangle with an unexpected memory makes hairs on forearms stand on end. Desire blows the mind. The sun’s graze on the skin is heartbreak. Joy is brushed in a green shadow. The naked eye sees momentarily into and through the stuff of things."

Completed translations
Serbian Sunčev dodir na koži je čemeran.
Croatian Sunčev dodir na koži je čemeran.
Bosnian Sunčev dodir na koži je čemeran.
Macedonian Допирот на Сонцето на кожата е трогателен.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Jag vill bara vara din vän. var inte ledsen. jag...
Jag vill bara vara din vän. var inte ledsen. jag tycker om dig jättemycket, men kan inte hålla på med två.
översätt gärna på vanliga bokstäver..

Completed translations
English 2
Serbian пријатељ
20Source language20
Russian Боишься - не делай. Сделал - не бойся.
Боишься - не делай. Сделал - не бойся.
Если боишься, то лучше не делай. Если сделал, то теперь не бойся. Английский - диалект Великобритании.

Completed translations
English If
Latin Si times
Esperanto esperanto
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